Workshop Overview : Managing Change
“Everything changes and nothing remains still…and… you cannot step twice to the same stream” said Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher (538-475 BC).The marches of human civilization from the stage of Hunter and Gathers to the Agricultural age then to the Industrial age and now at the Information / Knowledge worker age are all evidence of constant changes. Alvin Toffler a futurist in his bestseller book “The Third Wave” uses a different metaphor narrating the stages as Waves and says “each Wave (stage) of the society pushes the older societies and cultures aside “. Change happens.
Now the challenge is to manage change and to adapt with the changing circumstances. History is full of examples of those who could not adjust have perished. The dinosaurs in early stage of the planet were the largest and strongest. But no more we see them roaming the earth, because they failed to acclimatize with the changing world. The superpower Soviet Union disintegrated, mighty Enron collapsed and Lehman Brothers received big jolt. In very ten years list of fortune 500 companies are changing. Change is the single most important element of successful business management today. To remain competitive in increasingly aggressive markets organizations and individuals working in them have to adopt a positive attitude to change. Ignoring a changing trend can be costly. Managing change teaches managers how to remain ahead of rivals, set trends and lead change in order to survive. What matters is to anticipate change and adapt to change quickly. But the truth is in every stage of change management, resistance to change is there and it should be handled deftly.
- Be aware about continuous change and understand them
- Design change to stay ahead of competitors
- Manage resistance to change
- Implementing change
- Consolidating Change
- Enjoy change over and over again.
- CHANGE HAPPENS: Historical facts about social and economical change .March of human beings from the stage of Hunters and Gatherers to the present Knowledge worker era. The changes due to introduction of technology, rise of .com, competition, economic shocks, and social trends and above all the change towards flexi work style will all be discussed. All the examples and concepts will have a singular objective to link it to the organization growth and improvement while motivating the participants to appreciate change and view status quo as a reason for impeding competiveness and growth!
- CHANGE AGENTS & CHANGE BY DESIGN: Who brings change? It is by default or by design? Change by design is an intentional goal directed activity to improve the ability of the organization and to adapt to change in environment. Also it seeks change in employee behavior. The change agents are both from within the organization and outside it.
- RESISTANCE TO CHANGE & MANAGING CHANGE: Stages of Change. In every organization implementation of change receives resistance from employees. The resistance can be due to fear of being insecure; breaking of habits, economic factors etc.etc .The resistance can be overt, implicit, immediate or differed. We will discuss the techniques of identifying the source of resistance. The participants will be exposed to some tried and tested methods to overcome resistance to change. Supervisor will be educated on how to drive and manage change while willing the trust of their teams with lowered level of resistance and inhibition.
- CONTINUOUS EDUCATION, CELEBRATION AND RECOGNITION: Educating the skeptics, engaging those having a feeling of insecurity and celebrating every small achievement is a great tool to drive change. Recognizing change agents and spreading the spirit of positivity during the change process will be brainstormed in detail and some situational analysis will be carried out in the workshop.
- CONSOLIDATING CHANGE: As change is a continuous process, organizations have to create a climate to accept changes and get prepare for forthcoming ones. They have to stimulate innovation, move towards creating a learning organization, set foundation for Knowledge management etc. They should facilitate towards every employee enjoying the fruits of change and stay ready for future changes.